
Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Holocaust Memorial Day Is Meaningless


Yesterday was Holocaust Remembrance Day. And much as I hate to say it, it's meaningless. Almost to the point of farce. Because it has no meaning. Let's look at few of today's cartoons.

Let's look at Germany's Angela Merkel first. She made the usual poignant speech about how it is so horrible that Jews are being attacked in Germany. Regarding Germany's role in commemorating the Holocaust, Merkel said that "Nazism and the Holocaust that followed are part of our history, and therefore we are committed to preserving its memory in order to prevent the recurrence of such terrible things in the future.

My, my.

Prior to 2015,Germany was one of the safest countries in Europe for Jews. Germany was one of the only countries in Europe to face up honestly to the hideous atrocities that had been committed while the majority of Germans were happy to look the other way. And honestly facing that and admitting it took an incredible amount of forthrightness and courage, courage many European countries who took part in the carnage and the wholesale theft of Jewish property lacked... and still lack.

But now, it's one of the least safe countries for Jews to live in. Goodness, Mutti Merkel, what changed? Could it be your bringing in thousands of Muslim 'migrants' into Germany who imbibed Jew hatred with their mother's milk and their first Qur'an lessons? And what exactly are you doing to stop it, aside from issuing reports every now and then? For all the nonsense from former examples of honest journalism like Der Spiegel about how this is all coming from the 'radical right,' any honest German knows where almost all of it comes from. And trust me, although she'll never admit it publicly, so does Angela Merkel.

And if, as she said, nothing like the Holocaust should ever happen again, riddle me this...why are she and other EU leaders supporting Iran's quest for nuclear weapons, considering Iran's openly stated goal of genocide for Israel's Jews?

And it's not just Germany. It's the same story in France. Lots of declarations, but no going after the real cause of the Jew hatred and hate crimes, not when Emanuel Macron's victory was heavily dependent on the Muslim vote. Not too long ago, France had a population of over 600,000 Jews. Now, it's around 450,000 and dropping, especially since Muslims are driving the Jews out of their traditional neighborhood in North Paris. Does anyone really care about whatever faux sympathetic nonsense Macron says at this point?

Here's another laugher. Poland's Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said this today, on the anniversary that marked 74 years since the liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp.:

"Hitler's Germany fed on fascist ideology... But all the evil came from this (German) state and we cannot forget that, because otherwise we relativise evil," said Morawiecki at an official ceremony at Auschwitz.

"The Polish state acts as the guardian of the truth, which must not be relativised in any way," he said.

What's behind this was former President Obama's idiotic remark about 'Polish concentration camps.'

The Poles were legitimately insulted, and passed a law making it illegal to accuse the Polish nation or state of complicity in Nazi German crimes. But evil?

It was two courageous Polish officers who escaped Poland to bring evidence of the Holocaust to people like FDR, who ignored it. And if you go to Israel and visit the Holocaust memorial of Yad Vashem, you will see the name of plenty of Polish Catholics who risked their lives to save Poland's Jews. But it's not the whole story, unfortunately.

Prime Minister Moraweicki conveniently forgets that when the Germans invaded, there were Catholic clergy who actually told their congregations that the Germans had only come to Poland because of the Jews and that when the Jews were 'dealt with' they would leave.

Prime Minister Moraweicki conveniently forgot that Catholic Poland in 1939 was a deeply anti-semitic country. He forgot that the defenders of the Warsaw Ghetto desperately asked the Polish resistance for help and were refused. And he forgets that the last Jews murdered in the Holocaust were murdered not by Nazis, but by Poles in a place called Keilce. You see, after surviving the death camps, they actually had the nerve to try to reclaim their old homes from the Poles who moved in. And nothing was ever really done about it.

I have nothing against Poles or Poland whatsoever, rather the reverse in fact. But to put it all on the Germans like PM Morwiecki does?

This is just another example of how meaningless Holocaust Memorial Day is. Because the thinking behind the Holocaust never changes.

This week, at the UN, of all places there was a report on Jewish owned art stolen in the Holocaust that urged museums and private owners who 'acquired' the paintings some how to return them to their rightful owners or their descendants. This was in response to the Netherlands and other countries passing laws allowing the new 'owners' to keep the stolen paintings. The Netherlands literally has a commission that decides whether to return the stolen art based on on how valuable it is. The expensive stuff, they just keep. It's to be expected in a country where, like Belgium, Jews are advised not to wear yarmulkes or anything else that might suggest that they're Jewish.

And in the UK of course, one of the major parties, Labour is openly anti-semitic, something they mask as 'anti-Zionism.' A recent poll says that 5% of the British people, 2.6 million say that the Holocaust is a myth. And another 8% says that the death toll is 'exaggerated.' Most of the UK's public schools no longer teach anything about the Holocaust because it would not jibe with what their many Muslim students 'are being taught at home.' Maybe that's why so many of its citizens think it never happened.

Even the United States has become prey to this kind of thinking. Did anyone say much about almost every Democrat presidential hopeful nuzzling up to the openly anti-semitic Al Sharpton? Or the Jew hating rhetoric of a number of new Democrat congress members? What would happen to a white congress member calling blacks 'termites' which is how Rep. Hank Johnson referred to Jews, just like Louis Farakhan?

Here's a good example of how this kind of thinking works, courtesy of one Robin Abacarian, who writes for the LA Times. She is basically defending the anti-Trump Women's March from the open anti-semitism of some of the participants like Linda Sarsour and their embrace of Louis Farrakhan.

Her basic point is that even if Louis Farrakhan is a racist and anti-Semite, "I think it is possible to be repulsed by his hateful rhetoric about white people, especially Jews, and still appreciate some of the empowerment work that he has done in the black community, including leading the 1995 Million Man March to promote African American family unity."

I laughed out loud at that one. I still have a video of the entire million man march, recorded as it happened from C-SPAN. While the alphabet networks carefully showed edited clips to America and the print media concentrated on how 'powerful' it was, the Million Man March was actually one of the worst public exhibitions of Jew hatred in America since Father Coughlin and the Silver Shirts back in the 1930's. And black family unity? 75% of black births still happen out of wedlock, and most of the little 'customers' Planned Parenthood kills just happen to be black. *

But let's see how this same kind of thinking can be applied in another direction. Based on her last name, Ms. Abacarian is likely either Armenian or married to an Armenian. Would she write something like this?

"Hey, I don't agree with the Turkish language about Greeks and Armenians, and I just deplore the massacring of 1.5 million Armenians, but you still have to admire how the Turks who led the massacre made a modern country out of Turkey and empowered Turks."

Or perhaps this. I could just see her writing for the German press in 1936, couldn't you? "Look, I find a lot of Hitler's hateful rhetoric repulsive, but you have to admire how he solved Germany's unemployment problem, put on the Olympics and really empowered Germany and German families, right?"

That kind of thinking is exactly why Holocaust Memorial Day is meaningless. The thinking behind it (and the way Jews are thought of in far too many places) hasn't changed one bit.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

A Few Words On Covington

 Nick Sandmann, Covington, Native American

I think it's worth spending a few words on Covington, since the real root of the matter seems to be overlooked by a lot of people who I think ought to know better.

Originally, this was labeled by the Left, their trained seals in the media and yes, a lot of faux 'conservative' cucks as a hideous example of Trump inspired racism, with MAGA hats being the symbol of the new Nazi brown shirts.

Basically,what happened was this. Teenage students at the Covington Catholic High School in Kentucky decided to peacefully demonstrate in solidarity with the March For Life near the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. They were approached by one Nathan Phillips, described by the media later as an 'Indian tribe elder' and a 'Vietnam War veteran.'

The media's story, led by the habitually fake news Buzzfeed, was that the kids went up to him, mocked him and insulted him racially. And Buzzfeed, the NRO and the rest of the media jackals were quick to pick up on a heavily doctored and edited video that supposedly showed this.

Of course, the real story was revealed later.  Longer versions of the same video showed that it was the activist, and a nearby group of black supremacist activists, who harassed the students while they were waiting for their bus. The black group even hurled racial abuse at the students. You'll notice, of course that  the racist vile black supremacist group was left out of this story. The student's response was to sing school songs to try to drown out the obscenities and remain calm.

The student shown smiling at a professional 'activist' who got in his face and started beating a drum while chanting some Indian gibberish was admirable  in its restraint as far as I'm concerned

Even the so called creds of this Nathan Phillips turned out to be sheer BS.  It turns out that this guy is simply a professional agitator who makes seems to have quite a history of confronting white students and then claiming he was assaulted by these racists. He's pulled this several times, and no real evidence to back up his stories has ever been found. In fact, he's something of a Catholic basher. Phillips led a rally that attempted to disrupt Mass at DC’s National Shrine on January 19th, just a few days before this happened.

He's no 'Vietnam War Veteran' either. After one reporter at the WAPO shrieked in print ad nauseum about how these MAGA Nazi teenagers disrespected a war veteran, the WAPO had to fix it by admitting it was a blatant lie:

 "Correction: Earlier versions of this story incorrectly said that Native American activist Nathan Phillips fought in the Vietnam War. Phillips served in the U.S. Marines from 1972 to 1976 but was never deployed to Vietnam."

He also isn't a tribal Elder as far as I can find out.

But of course, all this was too good to let a little thing like this get in the way. The media creeps piled on, to the point that the kids lives were actually threatened. The Twitter people, who have lied over and over again about their political bias and still mock us by claiming that they are taking great steps to eliminate violence, threats and things like harassment, and what they call 'misinformation.'

Get a load of what ran on Twitter and is still up:

But you gotta punch that shit off one of those bitches faces first.


Punch the little mfs in the face
Pain is an excellent teacher

  Reza Aslan

Honest question. Have you ever seen a more punchable face than this kid’s?

Ps. The reply from the school was pathetic and impotent. Name these kids. I want NAMES. Shame them. If you think these fuckers wouldn’t dox you in a heartbeat, think again.

Is today the day that Twitter hunts down and vilifies school kids? If so, I’m out.
It is that day. Sorry, you will have to go & defend these kids now. I did shit way less dumb than these kids when I was 16 & got obliterated for it. They deserve everything they’re getting & more

“Let Nazi teens have their privacy” is just the most white supremacist, ahistorical horseshit. Like, there was literally an organization called the Hitler Youth and it served a very deliberate purpose. Fuck off and read a book
Maybe doxing racist teens is a powerful deterrent against being a racist teen. We all know how much fash love discipline and consequences

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I hope all these MAGA kids in the news get cancer and the horrible parents that raised them this way get to suffer alongside them- 🏴 Jez 🌻 Watson🌹 (@jezawatson) January 20, 2019


There's lots more, but the above is stomach turning enough.

So here are a few things to take away from all this.

1) Commentators on the right have been vilified, lost jobs and been pushed off the net for far milder things than this and will continue to be. So this is a war with no rules. Women,families and children are not off limits. There are no standards anymore. The Left hates us, and wants us dead or in the gulags.

2) To the Left, any racist hatred against whites, Jews, Christians,  women, children, Hispanics, Asians or blacks who fail to bow to the new order is legitimate, and any violence and retaliation directed at them  is going to be excused. 

3) A puppy will keep peeing on the floor  if he is sees that there are no consequences for doing so. What we have here is exactly that...puppies  who have learned they can pee on the floor with impunity and even bite people because there's no downside for them, no cost to them whatsoever. If the Left's behavior is going to change, they are going to need real punishment for this sort of thing until they realize that their violence, defamation and and attacks are going to merit similar treatment.

And yes, it has come to that, I'm afraid.

4) These children have been unjustly scarred for life. Their identities have become known, and they will never know if they weren't refused college admission, scholarships, promotions, or a job simply because someone Googled their name and rejected them simply because the people making the decisions were on the Left or afraid to antagonize the Left.

And that was part of the reason this hideous assault on the Covington kids was planned and publicized as it was. It was to give them and everyone else a message. Oppose the Left in any way and you and your loved ones will be ruined for life. Brett Kavanaugh still needs to have private security on his home and his two daughters still need bodyguards in school, simply because some Hillary loving left Wing activist was wiling to lie under oath about a 'sexual assault' that never happened.

This, by the way, is what the Klan used to do to blacks who had the temerity  to register to vote. They'd make life hell for them or even lynch them, which is exactly what the Left did here, using the media instead of a rope. With Democrats, some things never change, I suppose.

Because of our antiquated libel and slander laws, Kavanaugh was unable to sue the pants off this foul woman because he is a public person. But the Covington kids were neither public people or attempting to be public people. Their reaction to this should be to sue every company that collaborated in this attack on them and made them a target. For that matter, so should the Covington Catholic High School, which has been forced to remain closed for safety reasons.

Among other things, this was a violationof their First Amendment rights.  Twitter, Buzzfeed and the National Review should be the first on the list to have their bank accounts drained, followed by the talking heads and celebrities who threatened these kids with violence. I can think of other things that could be done, but I'll leave that to my reader's imagination. Let the Left and their cuck allies see the price for this kind of attack on kids who neither merited it or deserved it.

5)Finally, the worst enemies we have now are not the Left, but the faux so-called 'conservatives.' Cucks like Bill Kristol,  Hugh Hewitt (boy do I hate writing his name here, but so be it), Jen Ruben, Max Boot, the cucks at places like the NRO and the whole disgusting pile of never Trumpers. They all jumped on this likes flies on a fresh dog turd. You think they would at least have said 'let's wait a bit and see, this seems a bit manufactured. It's Buzzfeed, you know, and after all...'

In reality, they very much wanted this to be true. That's why they were so anxious to start virtue signaling and showing their friends on the Left  that they hate what the Left hates....It's their way of saying, ' I want you to really like me. Please keep hiring me to do spots on your networks, write for your newspapers, publish my books and keep inviting me to your parties, OK?'

And of course they lied blatantly (again) once the con was discovered to be just that. Like they didn't know Buzzfeed is not to be trusted? Like didn't know the Left pulls this stuff all the time? Please, spare me. 

They're rather like the Left wing Jews willing to swallow the Jew hatred and anti-Israel rants of their fellow Democrats just to wallow in the illusion that these people actually like them. And they are willing to ignore all the hard evidence they see that they're really not liked at all except for the checks these Jews write and the verbal support and votes they are suicidally willing to cast.

The left, frankly, is quite open about its hatred of us. That's a given, and they prove it every day. The danger of the people I'm talking about here is that even though they betrays us at every turn, they pretend to be our friend and allies. Who needs a bunch of quislings cucks and traitors as allies?

What happened to the Covington kids needs to be a wake up call to all of us. And it deserves a substantial response. The rules of the game the way the Left and their allies play it changed a long time ago. It's time we realized it and responded in kind.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

The Fraud Behind The L.A. Teacher's Strike

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The L.A. teacher’s strike involves over 30,000 unionized  Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) teachers and other school employees have gone out on strike to demand higher pay and ‘smaller class sizes.’ The truth of the matter? The entire strike is an outrageous fraud.
What the teachers and administrators want is a clear indication that this is a lot more than a labor dispute.

The unions want what they call fully staffed schools, meaning more teachers, librarians, nurses, admin staff, and counselors, with limits on class sizes. And of course, a 6.6% raise with back pay for
the 2017-18 school year.

Let's examine this in detail, shall we?

For working 8 months per year, the average pay of LAUSD teachers is -wait for it-$75,504, based on last year's numbers. And that's a median figure, which includes brand new teachers with no experience. Teachers with a few years experience can earn a lot more, and that includes a generous benefits package most workers could only dream of.Principles and administrators earn a lot more:

Even for pricey Los Angeles, these are very good salaries, especially when you add the value of their benefits package and the fact that there's nothing stopping these teachers from taking temporary employment while school's out. Teachers on the low end also have the opportunity to make more money teaching summer school or doing after school tutoring and coaching once their six hour day is over.

But what are the parents of California's public school students getting for all this money?

California spends $9,417 per pupil, with the LAUSD spending $10,000 to educate each student, with additional funding for low-income students, English-learners and foster youth.

That puts the state at number 35 in the nation, but that number includes how much is spent for salaries for teachers, administrators and their oversized benefits. Only 29.2% of fourth graders in the state are proficient in math, and only 27.8% are proficient in reading — each the third lowest share of any state. The 8th grade NAEP proficiency: 27.1% (math) 28.4% (reading).

 In LA Unified, 39.55 percent of students tested proficient in English language arts, a slight increase from 39 percent the year before (LA Unified officials are rounding the increase to 1 percent). In math, 29.86 percent of students were proficient, an increase from 28 percent the year before (which LA Unified has rounded to a 2 percent increase).

Gotta round those figures up, right?

80 per cent graduate from LAUSD's high schools according to their figures, but with those low proficiency numbers, we have to know that social promotion has to account for a decent percentage of those graduates.

And these dismal results are what the teacher's unions want a huge raise for producing!

But wait a minute. What about those overcrowded classrooms? Doesn't that effect things?

Here are a few factoids to play with.

The Education Trust-West, a non-partisan think tank estimates roughly 250,000 undocumented children between the ages of 3 and 17 are enrolled in California schools, with the highest concentration in Los Angeles County. The group estimates 750,000 K-12 students in California have undocumented parents.

Among other reasons, these parents come to California and Los Angeles schools because it's a both a sanctuary state and city, and because of policies that shield them from ICE. And then there's the  vast resources and support provided by the district... and the teachers union.

UTLA has an “Immigrant Rights for Educators Workshop,” for example, to arm union employees with legal information, resources, and “a network of concerned community members and educators who stand up for immigrant students and families.” The union’s Social Justice & Action Resources also shows union members how to “Shield Against Immigrant Detention and Deportation.” And of course, how to vote.

Union members have actively participated in several rallies calling for “Freedom for Immigrants!” and declaring illegal immigrants are “Here to Stay.”

So much for the Union wanting those uncrowded classrooms. In fact, they're actually encouraging classrooms to become even more crowded.

And here's another interesting factoid. LAUSD district enrollment numbers show that the overall number of students uin public schools has actually been declining.

Student enrollment in LAUSD schools has dropped to about 600,000 students this year, and it's obvious why. As the failure of many of the LAUSD's unionized public schools become more and more evident, parents are either going to charter schools, which are mostly non-unionized and have far better stats, or to parochial or private schools which have even better stats.

I can testify to this one myself. I yanked my own kids out of the LAUSD school system as soon as feasible and sent them to a private Jewish day school. Aside from the moral armor and self discipline this provided them with, the school was a totally secure environment with no gangs or problems with theft or acting out. Both religious and secular education were provided by dedicated teachers (non-union) and my children received a first class superior education for a fraction of what the LAUSD spends per pupil. When my kids moved on to high school, they were easily two to three years ahead of what their friends in public schools were studying. I'm certain parents in private schools or parochial schools had similar results.

And an increasing number of parents are opting for homeschooling (which California tried and failed to make illegal) or to independent charter schools, which are typically not unionized. Since 2002-03, the number of students attending charter schools increased from less than 50,000 to well over 100,000 for 2018-19, according to the superintendent of school’s final budget.

So in a very real sense, for the teacher's union keeping illegal immigrants in LA schools and encouraging even more to come is important when it comes to keeping dues paying  UTLA members employed, since the overall number of students in LAUSD schools has declined to 600,000 this year, As it has declined every year since 2002-03, when it peaked at 746,831 students.

Those 'crowded classrooms' these self serving teacher's union parasites scream about would be a lot less crowded with less illegal migrants, now wouldn't they? But of course that's not at all what the teachers Union really wants.

In spite of all this, there's no doubt in my mind the teacher's union will eventually get what it wants.

Yesterday, I had business in downtown Los Angeles to attend to. Normally that's not that much of a problem provided you find parking. As it happened it was a rainy day, which always greatly increases the traffic problem. Yet this was the same day the Democrat run city of Los Angeles acceded to the union's demand and closed off whole sections of downtown and blocked off major streets so the union could march with their signs. It caused a major mess beyond even what I've experienced in New York City. Cars were sitting there without even moving more than a foot at a time if they were fortunate. I actually had to cancel my appointment because the area I was headed for and where parking had been reserved for me was simply inaccessible. And I'm sure I wasn't alone.

The media, of course, didn't report much on this, or on the political slant of this march with anti-Trump signs, pussy hats, and pro amnesty signs.

The reason the city of Los Angeles allowed this is simple. Like most public employee unions, the teacher's union contributes money and manpower exclusively to the Democrats at campaign time.

The teacher's union has already rejected an offer by the Los Angeles Unified School District to add nearly 1,200 more educators, counselors, nurses and librarians, with hard limits on class sizes. The district also bumped up its previous offer by $24 million, with a proposed 6 percent raise and back pay for the 2017-18 school year...almost exactly what union wanted, but UTLA President Alex Caputo-Pearl described LAUSD’s offer as “woefully inadequate.”

A lot of the union's signs had the slogan, 'We're striking for our students.'

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Now you know what the L.A. Teacher's strike is really all about. And that who they're really striking for isn't the students.