
Friday, September 23, 2005

British Muslim jailed for 15 years for terrorism

Andrew Rowe, a British Muslim convert was sentenced today for transporting semtex explosives through the Channel Tunnel in a pair of socks. The Judge called for life sentences for others planning similar outrages.
Independent Online Edition > Crime : app3

The most amusing thing about this is to see a British newspaper referring to someone like this as a `terrorist' rather than an `hardliner', a `militant', a `guerilla' an `insurgent' or any of the other cute terms the British press used to use when talking about Palestinian and/or Muslim homicide bombers. Looks like things have changed a bit since the London Bombings...I'm sure any Israelis who see this will feel free to sneer a bit at the change in tone by the Brits when terrorism is launched against British targets! You would have thought that the bombings by the IRA would have taught the British press a little something.

Oh well, better late than never.

It was a busy day for the Brits, as another terrorist adherant of the Religion of Peace, Hussain Osman, implicated in the failed second wave of the London Bombings was extradited from Italy and appeared in court for his initial arraignment, and a terrorist scare occurred at the Manchester Airport that led to the Police exploding a suspicious briefcase.

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