
Wednesday, September 21, 2005


Nigerian Muslim rebels are threatening to destroy the Nigerian city of Port Harcourt today after their leader, Alhaji Mujahid Dokuro Asari was` brought in for questioning' after he threatened to destroy the Nigerian state. Port Harcourt is the center of the Nigerian oil industry.
Nigerian rebels threaten oil wells after warlord detained - Yahoo! News

This is a significant development because of the danger of further decreasing oil production and raising prices. Nigeria is the eighth largest oil producer in the world and the fifth largest suplier to the US. Riots by this same group, the NDPVF and other Muslim insurgents briefly shut down Nigeria's oil production last year, causing a spike in prices.

The story behind the story here is that this is another chapter in the ongoing Muslim insurgency in Nigeria(and indeed, sub Saharan Africa), and another little covered front in the global jihad. Nigerian Muslims have been agitating against the Federal Government for some might rememebr the `Miss Universe riots' that took place last year, involving the murder of many Christians and the burning of over a dozen churches. In some provinces, particularly in the predominantly Muslim north, Sharia(Muslim religious law) has either already been instituted or is being agitated for by the local jihadists.

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