
Wednesday, September 21, 2005

SHIN BET head says PA in disarray, crumbling...

According to Israeli Shin Bet head Yuval Dishkin, the Palestinian Authority is crumbling and dissolving, and Hamas, Islamic Jihad and hardliners in Fatah are taking over.Jerusalem Post | Breaking News from Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish World

According to Dishkin, Abbas is no longer controlling even Fatah.
This ties in with calls from hardline elements in the Palestinian Legislative Council for a vote of `no confidence'. Diskin spoke to reporters at a briefing at his headquarters in Ramat Aviv. "(Abbas) has no apparatus that control Fatah (sic). He is a general without soldiers. Giving him more weapons won't give Fatah strength."

Diskin also mentioned the huge buildup in Palestinian armaments following Israel's retreat from Gaza and the Egyptians' total failure to deliver on their security committments. While some news agencies are reporting that the traffic is `under control' the actual fact is that anyone wanting to take arms and fighters across the Gaza/Egypt border is still readily able to do so. Instead of guarding a small border with Gaza, Israel is now faced with guarding the entire Sinai border between Egypt, Gaza and Israel. giving the lie to what was told to us about `consolidating the areas Israel must defend'. The IDF's task is more difficult,not easier. According to Dishkin, the smuggling of rockets and other weapons has proceeded apace to the Palestinian areas of Judea and Samaria (The West Bank).

As reported here, the EU continues to fund the Palestinian Authority to the tune of over $800M per year..and that doesn't include the $50M from USAID or funds from Muslim countries, or UNRWA.

Gaza is set to become Hamasastan, a staging point not only for terrorist assaults into Israel but also into Europe. Hezbollah has a strong presence in Gaza, which means that Iran does as well. I predict a level of `quiet' on this front(meaning low level terrorism), as Hamas rebuilds its infrastructure, largely destroyed by the Israeli Army in the past three years and puts in a seaport, allowing the importation of heavier weapons. And a major increase in terrorist operations emanating from Palestinian controlled areas of Judea and Samaria

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