
Friday, September 23, 2005

The Thais apparently have had enough...

In the wake of the recent torture murder of two Thai marines by Islamic seperatists(reported by Joshuapundit - 9/22/05), the government has sent major security forces into the southern Thai provinces that border Malaysia to stamp out the Muslim insurgency.

PM Shinawatra has vowed to track down the killers and chrush the Muslim seperatists.

The murders, and the fact that hundreds of Muslim women with small children blockaded the road into Tanyonglimo village in Narwathiwat province as human shields and prevented the rescue of the marines shocked Thailand; the funerals of the murdered men were attended by Thailand's Crown Princess Sirindhorn yesterday in Narathiwat, in a rare appearance that underlined the concern of the royal family. Hundreds of military families paid their respects.

The Prime Minister blamed critics of his tough policy for the deaths, saying security forces overly concerned about political correctness were reluctant to take decisive action that might have saved the two marines.

Islamic violence has been a festering sore in Thailand and PM Shinawatra was partially elected on a promise to deal with ongoing jihadist violence in Thailand's 3 southern provinces. I have a feeling that he's going to do so...

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