
Sunday, October 02, 2005

Israel Halts Gaza Offensive...for now.

Israel has halted its offensive on Palestinian terrorists for now, as the rocket attacks have ceased.Israel Suspends Gaza Offensive - Yahoo! News On the flip side, armed terorists and heavy weapons continue to flow into Gaza unimpeded..this is obviously just a break in the action.

In other news, Fatah and Hamas had a shootout over an attempt to stop son of late Hamas leader Rantisi at a Gaza City intersection Sunday night. Lots of casualties..the fighting spread to the nearby Shati refugee camp where Hamas shot four rocket-propelled grenades at a Palestinian police station and another at police in Sheikh Radwan, the Hamas stronghold in Gaza City. At least two Fatah Palestinian `policemen' are reported dead.Jerusalem Post | Breaking News from Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish World

Hamas are angry with Abbas and Fatah anyway because of transparent vote manipulation and ballot stuffing in municipal elections that took place last week. The odds are pretty good that Hams will take over Gaza while Abbas is left with control of the Palestinian area around Ramallah..and Jibril Rajoub and other bosses divide up the rest. Maybe President Bush and the EU should think twice about lavishing millions in aid on these about throwing good money after bad!

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