
Monday, October 31, 2005

Syria's off the hook. At least for now...

As the Freedom Fighter predicted, a combination of Russia,China and the Muslim bloc watered down the UN's Security Council resolution on Syria out of all recognition, dropping the threat of sanctions in favor of a vague mention of `further action'. Algeria represented the Muslim bloc in this charade. The wording about `further action' only happened when Condi Rice and John Bolton insisted on it, after a tough battle.
Syria will have to turn over the suspects in the Hariri
assasination,including president Assad's brother and brother-in law.

What I want to know is why the US and the West continue to waste time on this kind of futility? However the resolution was adopted under Chapter VII of the UN Charter which makes it militarily enforcible. - U.N. Security Council OKs Syria resolution

In other news, the standoff continues in Lebanon with the Palestinian Armed militias. The Lebanese army continues to surround the bases of the Syrian armed and trained Palestinian army, who are now holding 6 Lebanese troops as hostages, including an officer.

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