
Tuesday, December 06, 2005

David Cameron: New blood for Britain in trying times?

David Cameron was elected today as head of Britain's Conservative Party and the Tory's candidate for Prime Minister. The victory of the 39 year old Cameron over the Tory Old Guard has turned British Politics upside down overnight.

WithTony Blair on his last legs politically and Gordon Brown set to take over as Prime Misiter soon, most observers of British politics were expecting a long period of Labour leadership. With the appointment of Cameron the Conservative Party has in the words of one major paper,` the best chance of capturing Downing Street since Margeret Thatcher'

The BBC has a brief bio here:BBC NEWS | Politics | The David Cameron story

As a member of British aristocracy with down to earth `man of the people' habits, could Cameron evoke the Churchillian mystique? The resemblence is interesting. Too soon to tell, but Britain badly needs leadership and Labour figures like Jack Straw out of the picture.

Key question is how the British public chooses between the Anglo-American Alliance and the Euro/French/ German axis. If they choose to remain in the Anglo-American sphere, Cameron may just end up as Prime Minister.

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