
Wednesday, December 07, 2005

IDF takes out another terrorist rat

Today, with IDF Defense Minister giving the green light to the IDF pest exterminators, one Maumoud Arakan ended up going out in a blaze barbecued Subaru.

Jerusalem Post | Breaking News from Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish World

This rat was a member of the so-called `Popular Resistance Committee'and a former member of the Palestinian Naval Police who worked closely with the Islamic Jihad's Abu Rish faction and other non-affiliate groups to plan and carry out attacks.

Interesting side story. CNN's headline(still visable in Google News) referred to this rat as an `activist'. I complained to the news department and alerted a number folks to this, and apparently the news spread. CNN has now changed the headline on the story itself to read `militant'. Jeesh!

Below, we see Palestinian indulging in the popular local sport of the `car swarm'

"Hey Ahmed...ten points for whoever finds part of the head!"

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