
Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Cindy Sheehan tossed out of National Gallery before State of the Union Speech

Tonight, at President Bush's State of the Union address, conspiracy theorist, terroist groupie, anti-Semite, anti-war `activist' and famed lecturer Cindy Sheehan was given a gallery pass by Bay Area Democratic Congresswoman Lynn Woosley late Tuesday, just hours before the planned speech. Sheehan was in Washington to protest the president during his national address, but then came word she was invited to see the speech live.

Jihad Cindy promised to listen respectfully and listen to the speech, but was obviously planning on breaking her word as she entered the gallery carrying a concealed banner (contrary to gallery rules) and was escorted out by Capitol Police.

She is not expected to be allowed back in....

Good riddance.

1 comment:

  1. What a terrible hag this ..thinh is.

    Have you seen this photo?
