Sunday, February 12, 2006
The War You Didn't See
A US Army National Guard First Lieutenant by the name of Robert C.J. Parry, newly returned from Iraq lays into the Main Stream media and makes a liar out of certain defeatist members of Congress who claim the army is `all used up'...and a certain L.A Times columnist who called soldiers like Lieutenant Parry `.. an army of people ignoring their morality....' and referred to them as `tools of American imperialism'.
J O S H U A P U N D I T: Don't demonize Joel Stein, an honest leftist
Anybody worried about the state of America and about Iraq becoming a `quagmire' owes it to themselves to read this.The war you didn't see - Los Angeles Times
And while you're at it, you might want to e-mail Lieutenant Parry and say `thanks'.
He can be reached at
good stuff, thanks