
Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Well, it's on...Israelis move into Gaza.

According to al-Reuters, The IDF pushed into the Gaza Strip a short while ago. The Israelis have dubbed this offensive `Summer Rain'.

It looks like my sources were fairly correct as far as the deployment went...the IDF looks like splitting the Strip into threes and isolating the pockets. The Tzahal has been reported moving armored columns into the area around Rahaf through the Kerem Shalom crossing.

The IAF has taken out three bridges on key roads, and a heliocopter strike knocked out a power plant. It looks like the IDF plans to 'punish' the Palestinians and not just try to get Gilad Shalit back. The army could have cut off electricity by shutting off the power, which Israel supplies. But by bombing the plant, the IDF is leaving a damaged facility for the Palestinians to rebuild.

Israeli artillery also opened up from the tank emplacements at Nahalf Oz, Kisufim and Sufa to prevent the Palestinians shooting Qassam missiles.

In other news, the Palestinians claim to have executed the teenager they reportedly claimed to have abducted, Eliyahu Asheri. There have been reports of the Palestinians holding on to a body in Ramallah and units of the IDF and the Shin Bet are now searching the area, according to the Jerusalem Post.

More on this later.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:13 PM

    ff said:
    IDF is leaving a damaged facility for the Palestinians to rebuild.

    do you have any evidence to show that "these people" are capable of rebuilding anything?
    do you have any evidence to show that "these people" are capable of building anything save terrorist training camps, missile launchers, or IEDs?

    i welcome your criticism of the term "these people" in the above manner used to indicate bigotry and/or racism on my part.
