
Friday, July 21, 2006

The Council has spoken 7/21/06

The votes are in and the Council has spoken.The complete results can be found here at our fearless leader's site Watcher of Weasels

1.The winner this week was my post, J O S H U A P U N D I T: When History bites back Once there was a small democratic nation, allied to the West and surrounded by hostile, totalitarian enemies..but not the one that probably first comes to on...

In second place was The Sundries Shack: Blogging for dummies like me Jimmie Bise talks about why he blogs. A great piece on what motivates us all to do what we do.

Tied for third were ShrinkWrapped: The Limits of Intelligence and Done With Mirrors: Kennedy in Berlin

For non-Council posts the winner was TigerHawk, a great piece on a forum on Arab democracy and where's it's headed,

Second place was my own nominee Dhimmi Watch: Beheading Nations - The Islamization of Europe's Cities by Fjordman, a killer piece.

Hearty Kudos to all the winners!

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