
Thursday, July 20, 2006

Fightimg continues at Maroun el Ras; IDF also hits Hezbollah camps in the Bek'aa Valley...

Hezbollah has made Maroun el Ras in South Lebanon a major offensive front. The Israeli army has taken another eight wounded men as Hezbollah continues to pour men into this sector. IDF reinforcements are en route but the info I have is that Hezbollah has suffered heavy losses in trying to take the IDF head on. Reinforcements are en route from the IDF to finish the job and break through.

This is becoming a major meat grinder for the Hezbollah forces.

Israel has also hit Hezbollah camps in the Bek'aa Valley, The war is spreading to central and Eastern Lebanon.

Last night the Israelis bombed a bunker is South Beirut that was reportedly Nasrallah's pigpen.Nor word on whether he was there or if they got him.

As regular members of Joshua's Army know, there is other intel suggesting that Nasrallah and his command staff, including uber-terrorist Imad Mugniyah are holed up in bunkers near the Syrian border.

That still makes more sense to me as they could position themselves to make a run for it if the IDF came after them...we'll see..


  1. Anonymous5:28 PM

    my version.
    send'em to hell, Israel.

  2. Anonymous7:03 PM

    how do you work this.......
    what's this button.........
    what does.......

    as you can tell i sometimes have trouble working this thing people call a computer.
    i am trying to find your post/comment on the significance of the august 22 date the fools in teheran plan on having their party.
    i can't locate it even after several passes through your archieves.
    your help would be appreciated.

  3. Anonymous9:29 PM

    the reason i wanted that site was i am usually up late nights and have stumbled across a christian television station in tulsa that broadcasts something from IBA news.
    i think it comes from jerusalem because they are always taking to people in various types of interviews. have you heard of it? is it legitimate?
    anyways, last night i saw shimon peres in a meeting with this solana guy from the EU. i thought i saw his name before and he is in the photog you used in your essay. now i'm not gonna say i know a lot about jewish politics because i don't, but there has always just "been" something about peres that i just don't get. add to the list that last night in that interview/meeting with the solana guy, if i had been peres i would have biatch slapped that piece of garbage into next week. talk about a doofus. i thought it was just american tv, i can't even watch jewish tv anymore without getting pissed. the solana guy was questioning whether hezz was a terrorist organization or not.
    i mean jeebus cripes man get a frikkin' brain cell, at least one.

    anyway i have seen repeated references to the 8/22 date in numerous MSM sites articles. i think you have really hit on something and hope you keep us up to date.

  4. Well, I'll try. I think events will be increasing ly self=evident.

    SHimon Peres is a Leftist apparatchnik and a fic=xture in Israeli of thos well-connected guys who seem to go on forever.

    He has NEVER been elected to a single office in Israel on his own to my knowledge, but as a Mapai(Labour) politician has managed to finagle position and power because of the way the coalition politics and parlimentary system work.

    He was recruited by Sharon for Kadima because of his influence with a lot of old line Labour types SHaron wanted to bring into Kadima.

    He's also well connected to lots of EU and lefty American types becaise of his role in Oslo.The EU pays the campaign tab for a lot of Isralei leftist organizations. like the Meretz party and Yossi Beilan's `Dawn' party. Peres gets his share.

    An old kneeslapper in Israeli politics is that, no matter whom you vote for you end up with Peres.

    One thing not well known about him is that he has ALWAYS had substantial financial involvement in the Palestinian Authority. For instance, he owns the majority oif the stock in PalTel, the Palestinian cellphone company that has a monopoly given to them by Arafat!

    Javier Solana is an old style Eurocrat who is best buds with Abbas and the Palestinians. He also was in charge of prsenting the `nuvclear incentive program'
    to Iran.If Peres did not complain about what this idiot had to say it's because he doesn't want to endanger the stipends he and others on the Left get from the EU.

    Sad but true.
