
Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Hezbollah katushas kill two in Nazareth

Worker cleans up broken glass after Hezbollah rocket hits hospital in Safed

Hezbollah fired a fresh barrage of rockets at Israel today, this time hitting Nazareth. Two children ages 8 and 10 killed, and 27 other people injured.

The victims were Israeli Arabs.

Some 80 Katyusha rockets in a 10-minute span struck Haifa, Carmiel, Tiberias and Safed in several barrages today. The rockets are filled with ball bearings and shrapnel, to cause maximum casualties.

The smaller villages of Reches Ramim, Givat Avni and Kiryat Tivon also took hits. The rockets started several fires and caused heavy damage to the Hula Valley’s farm crops.

More than 1,000 Hizballah rockets have landed in northern Israel as of this morning. One third of Israel is a battlefront.

Of course, you won't see this on CNN.

1 comment:

  1. Plus, we get a lot more bang for our buck, frankly:

    J O S H U A P U N D I T: Israel? Why should we care?

    I don't see Lebanon or the Palestinians or even Egypt for that matter as loyal allies in ANY event. Ansd that was true before we started aiding Israel, after the 1967 war.
