
Friday, July 14, 2006

Israel bombs Hezbollah HQ in Beirut; Grandmother and 5 year old killed in Hezbollah rocket attacks. Gaza offensive and qassam attacks continue.

Israeli children in bomb shelters, Kiryat Shmona

Today, eleven Israelis were injured by the continuing barrage of Hezbollah rockets fired into northern Israel on the third day of war. A Grandmother and grandaughter aged 5 were killed in Moshav Meron in a rocket attack last evening as strikes spread to Acre and Carmiel regions.

Israeli soldiers fought off a second Hezbollah incursion today...probably with more kidnappings as an objective. The Shia terrorists tried to cross the border at the Zarit post, right near the spot where they kidnapped the two wounded Israeli soldiers on July 12 in their last attack.

In the south, the Palestinians shot 7 Qassam missiles from Gaza into Sderot, causing minor injuries. Three missiles exploded at the IDF Nahal Oz base and Kibbutz Gevim outside the Gaza Strip.

Beirut Airport

The Israelis continue to pound Hezbollah positions in Lebanon. They took out the Hezbollah headqurters in Beirut, the Damascus Road(the main highway to Syria and Iran) and targets in the Hezbollah stongholds in South Beirut. The IAF also hit the airport for a third time. The main Israeli objective, IMO, is to blockade Lebanon and prevent Hezbollah from shipping its two captives to Iran, out of the IDF reach. And to prevent Iran and Syria from having an easy time deploying troops and shipping in armaments.

Another report I received from a source on the ground is that the Israelis are concentrating on destroying the Hezbollah owned hashish and opium poppy fields in the Bek'aa Valley. For those who don't know, the Bek'aa Valley is one of the prime drug growing areas on earth and Hezbollah one of the biggest drug dealers, supplying the raw materials to labs in Europe and elsewhere and using the profits to fund its activities.Destroying those fields would be a major blow to Hezbollah's pocket book.

The UN goes into Action!!

Undeterred by the USA's veto of a biased Security Council resolution condemning Israel for defending itself, THE UN Security Council convened an emergency meeting on Lebanon demanding support for an immediate end to the daily Israeli airstrikes on its territory.

The debate began just hours after Israeli forces took out the command headquarters of Hezbollah in the southern suburbs of Beirut.

The meeting was convened at the request of the Lebanese government, which called on the Security Council to "adopt a complete and immediate position for a ceasefire."

Gee, I notice there's no mention of the UNSC calling for enforcement of it's resolution calling for the disarming of Hezbollah.....


The council members are apparently going to discuss adopting a presidential statement to support the three-man team sent by UN Secretary General Kofi Annan. I wrote about that particular farce yesterday.

Stay tuned...


  1. Anonymous2:10 PM

    "Gee, I notice there's no mention of the UNSC calling for enforcement of it's resolution calling for the disarming of Hezbollah....."

    That would be entirely unreasonable, as you well know!!!! Don't want to ruin a good record..... or upset the Arab ubermeisters, now would we?

  2. Hello Grav..thanks for dropping by....there are some stubbies in the esky, help yourself.

    When Israel withdrew from Lebanon, it was under the auspices of the UN and Lebanon wa suposed to police the border and disarm Hezbollah.

    That didn't happen, Israel was attacked and now Israel gets the condemnation?

    Thankfully, your politicians aren't as fatheaded and thick as some of the others I could mention.

    PM Howard was beaut, as per usual.

    What's the drum on him and Costello? I hear that Costello wanted to take over but than Howard slapped him back into tell.
