
Monday, July 17, 2006

Israel calls up more reserves...looks like the ground war in Lebanon will be expanding

According to Yediot's internet news service,3 reserve brigades have been called up to take over for the regular forces stationed elsewhere...which will now be deployed in Lebanon.

Deputy Chief of the General Staff, Maj. Gen. Moshe Kaplinsky gave a press conference in Tel Aviv and confirmed this morning's reports on IDF ground forces attacking Hezbolah bases in South Lebanon at Rajar. With the new deployment, it's pretty obvious that Israel intends to expand the use of ground troops in South Lebanon and possibly elsewhere in the country.


  1. Anonymous4:20 PM

    fox news had a photog up for a time on their website, that showed a young israeli girl writing something on what looked like a howitzer type shell.
    the photog or accomanying blather didn't indicate what she was writing.
    i'm sure it was a smiley face.

  2. LOL! One of the 72 virgins!
