
Sunday, July 16, 2006

New Hezbollah rocket attacks on Haifa; 9 Israeli civilians killed

The first barrage of at least 20 Iranian-produced Grad rockets from Lebanon struck Haifa Bay, Upper Hadar, Krayot, as well as Acre and Nahariya. The second round targeted Kiryat Haim, Kiryat Motzkin, Acre, Carmiel and Bat Galim.

One of the rockets scored a direct hit the section of the Haifa station where crews perform maintenance on the trains, tearing a huge hole in the roof. Most of the casualties were railway workers.

The Israeli military identified the rockets fired at Haifa as an Iranian Fajr 3's. Tel Aviv is probably next. Close to a million residents of affected areas as far east as Tiberias, which was first attacked Saturday, are being ordered to stay in shelters and heed sirens.

Nahariya in Israel's the north is under Hizballah attack for the fifth day and Hizballah fired rockets at Druze villages on Golan Sunday as well.

In Lebanon, the Israeli air force targeted launch sites south of Tyre which sent the first barrage of rockets against Haifa yesterday. The aerial bombardment of south Beirut continues today after the Hizballah building over Hassan Nasrallah’s command bunker was flattened last night.

The Israeli navy continues to shell rocket stations on the Lebanese coast. The Israeli navy got a major shock when the Iranian Republican Guard crew Hezbollah scored a missile hit on an Israeli ship. My sources tell me that the Israeli navy has applied some new strategies to counter possible missile attacks. counter-measures against Hizballah missiles.

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