
Friday, July 14, 2006

Tommorow and the next day will be seminal days in the Middle East war...

Here in the US, it is late afternoon on Friday, July 14th. I expect the next two days to have major developments in the Middle East War, particularly in Lebanon.

According to my sources, the Israelis have mobilized and called up their reserves for a major stike against Hezbollah. Thus far, they have been operating with great restraint, no matter what the Main Stream Media says, and concentrating on blockading the country to keep Iran and Syria from sending in fresh troops and arms.

I think the two `red lines' that were crossed over the last day or so was Hezbollah revealing that they now have long range rockets by hitting Haifa and the missile attack on an Israeli ship off the coast of Lebanon, which reportedly cost Israel four casualties.

Interestingly enough, Hezbollah also hit an Egyptian ship as well as the Israeli one! I wonder what Mubarek has to say about that...

Hezbollah leader Sheik Nasrullah has been taunting the Israelis and now states that they are in `open war' since the IAF destroyed his stronghold in South Beirut. I don't think he understands what the Israelis are capable of doing if they feel they have to.

I think hell is about to open up for Nasrullah and Hezbollah over the next two days..and then it will be Hamas' turn.

Stay tuned..


  1. Anonymous7:48 PM

    I am encourged that the Israeli government has finally determined that they must completely take out Hezbollah.
    It can't stop there. It must also include Hamas and Fatah. I just wish the US could help them by taking Syria out of the picture. We are fully justified by their intrusion in Iraq. It would also send a message to Iran.
