
Friday, July 14, 2006

Watcher's Council Results, 7/14

The Council has spoken! Complete results can be found here on the site of our fearless leader, Watcher of Weasels.

The winner for Council posts was Right Wing Nut House:BLEEDING IRAQ, Rick's take on the sectarian warfare in Iraq.

Second place went to Done With Mirrors: Rant control Callimachus' superb essay on a Leftist historian with a dyspeptic view of the Founding Fathers.

There was another 5 way tie, this time for third, wich means that either the quality was generally exceptional in this last two weeks' articles or diebold fixed the results on orders from the BushHitlerCo White house. This isn't DailyKos, so I'll go with the former, especially as my collander is missing somewhere.

For non-Council posts the winner was my personal nominee, IRAQ THE MODEL for Singing Out Of The Flock, a superb piece on how democracy has changed Iraqi political awareness as opposed to some of the other Arab countries..really a must-read.

In econd place was Asia Times Online :: Middle East News - Cry havoc, and let slip the puppies of war by Spengler on the current international situation.

Hearty kudos to tall the winners!

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