
Friday, July 28, 2006

Watcher's Council results, 7/28/06

The Council has spoken! Complete results can be found here on the site of our fearless leader, Watcher of Weasels.

The winner for Council posts was ShrinkWrapped: A Perspective on Tribes and Anti-Semitism Shrinkwrap's well written exploration of this subject.

Second place went to Dymphna for Gates of Vienna: As Old as the Garden of Eden,a heartfelt examination of the status of women in India and China.

For non-Council posts the winner was Solomonia:Mayhem at the Defend Hizballah Rally! an excellent goof on Hezbollah/Palestinian groupies abusing themselves in public.

In second place was Bill Roggio's article on the Counterterrorism Blog: Worst Case Scenario: Hezbollah's Conventional Forces, a must read piece on the true nature, tactics and capabilities of Hezbollah.

Hearty kudos to tall the winners!

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