
Thursday, August 03, 2006

8 Israeli civilians killed by Hezbollah rocket barrage today as Nasrallah offers new threats to attack Tel Aviv and a `ceasefire'

A 100-rocket barrage of Hezbollah rockets launched in the space of less than an hour killed 8 Israeli civilians this afternoon Three were killed by rocket blasts in the Israeli port of Acre north of Haifa, two more died of shrapnel wounds, and three more were killed at Maalot-Tarshiha.

At least 22 civilians were injured as well.

Kiryat Shemona was hit again and suffered severe damage, and there were attacks throughout the entire Galilee, including Safed, Tiberias and Carmiel.

This is obviously Nasrallah's reply to the Baalbeck attack and to make clear that he was alive,in command and apparently unharmed. ...and also an effort to demoralize Israelis further after Olmert's ridiculous statements about the Lebanon War speeding `disengagement.' (which he was forced to apologize for, by the way..more on that shortly)

It was coupled with a mixture of threats and an offer of a `ceasefire' by Nasrallah..proof that the IDF has hurt Hezbollah severely enough to matter.

The threat, broacast by Hezbollah's al Manar TV was an attack on Tel Aviv if the Israelis attack the Hezbollah strongholds in South Beirut again.

The `ceasefire' was an offer to stop rocket attacks on Israel's civilians if the IDF ended airstrikes on Hezbollah positions.

"The Islamic resistance will hit Tel Aviv, and it is capable of doing that with God’s help," Nasrallah said in the broadcast.

"The rocketing of the settlements is a reaction, it is not an action," (NOTE: Nasrallah refers to cities inside Israel as `settlements'..ceasefire, anyone?) said Nasrallah, according to a translation of the speech, also broadcast on CNN. “You attacked our cities and villages, and at any time you decide to stop your aggression, we will not hit any settlement or any Israeli city....Despite what the Zionist enemy says, the rocketing of the settlements in northern Palestine and beyond Haifa will continue today and be more extensive in quality and quantity."

I can't picture Nasrallah talking like this unless Hezbollah was in major trouble.

Stay tuned....

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