
Tuesday, August 01, 2006

The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals strikes again..terrorist fund raiser released

The Ninth Circuit Court of Schlemiels uhh - Appeals, based on the Left Coast has a certain reputation in jurisprudence...that of being by far the most liberal appellate court in the country and the one who's decisions are the most frequently reversed.

They came up with a doozy this time.

Pitured above is jihadi fundraiser Abdel-Jabbar Hamdan, the top fundraiser with the Holy Land Foundation,a Texas-based charity that funneled millions to the Islamist group Hamas.

He's been incarcerated for two years not on terrorism charges, which may still be brought but on an immigration violation, because he was convicted of overstaying a student visa he got 27 years ago and ordered deported. The Holy Land Foundation's president, chairman and director of endowments were all charged with terrorism-related crimes.

Hamdan had requested that he be released on bond while he fought the immigration charge, but the request was denied for nearly two years by immigration judges until U.S. District Judge Terry Hatter ordered him freed last week. (google Judge Hatter, by the interesting background to say the least!)

The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on Monday rejected a last-ditch government request to keep him locked up...probably so they could hold him as a material witness.

The Federal goverment has promised to continue to press to remove Hamdan from the United States.

Hamdan, who was born in a Palestinian refugee camp in the West Bank, has acknowledged traveling around the country as a Holy Land fundraiser. He insists, however, he has no information to support allegations the group aided Hamas, which the United States has labeled a terrorist organization.


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