
Monday, August 21, 2006

Europeans back away from peacekeeping force in Lebanon en masse

The EU is backing away from sending troops on the ground for the UNFIL peacekeeping forces like a vampire from a clove of garlic.

Apparently the Europeans are `delaying'any decisions on committing troops to Lebanon.

The ceasefire obviously is not going to be taken seriously...least of all by Hezbollah and Iran.

Today, under prodding by the US, Turkey began stopping Iranian planes and trucks. Six Iranian ILDT type 4-cargo planes and a Syrian aircraft were forced to land at the southeast Turkish military airport and were found to be loaded with missiles, missile launchers and eight boxes of Chinese made C-802 missiles, dubbed by Iran “Nur.”

The C-802 is the advanced ground-ship missile, a `silkworm' type which hit the Israeli Navy’s gunship off Beirut, and killed three of its crew. The Turks also found crates of Fajer-type rockets which Hezbollah fired at Israel.

The Iranian and Syrian cargo flights were headed for three Syrian military airfields, two of which were transferred at the end of July to the control and supervision of the air wing of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:40 PM

    this intrusion into a sovereign nations contraband is in/and of itself a violation of the cease fire.
    where is the outrage?
    turkey has no right to stop the transfer of munitions that in the past have been used to target innocent civilians.
    this action is deplorable and must stop immediatley. the responsible parties must pay the consequences.
    where is the outrage?

    i'm thinking of getting a job in MSM.
