
Sunday, August 20, 2006

Two senior Hamas legislators arrested by Israel

Israel today swooped down on the second of two major Hamas legislators, both of whom have been in hiding since the kidnapping of Corporal Shalit.

Nasser al-Shaer, deputy prime minister

Mahmoud al-Ramahi - Hamas parliamentary secretary-general

Israel's position is that Hamas is a `terrorist organization' and its leaders are therefore "targets for arrest".

I don't particularly agree with this logic.

Hamas, like Hezbollah is a sovereign government that committed an act of war against Israel. People like these two characters above are not `terrorists' and it's a serious error for the Israelis to refer to them as such. They are POWs, plain and simple. But that's what I suppose we can expect from the likes of the Olmert government...which appears to be trying to take the sting out of what happened in Lebanon by going after easier targets.

Stay tuned...


  1. Anonymous7:34 PM

    ff stated:
    both of whom have been in hiding since the kidnapping of Corporal Shalit.

    this comment made me do a double take.
    why were both of them in hiding?
    do they both know the whereabouts of cpl. shalit?
    where they part of the planning?
    are they complicit in the action?
    how did the israelis come about their location?

  2. Hi louie..some answers

    1) Theywere in hiding like most of the Pal leadership because the Israelis hav ebeen arresting Hamas leaders.

    2) Maybe

    3) probably an informer..or surveillance.
