
Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Whoopsie! NSA Judge caught in a leetle conflict of interest

The hypocrisy never ceases to amaze the Left, who claim to espouse fairness, justice and honesty never fail to stoop to the lowest, underhanded methods to ensure their desired political ends. Hey. After all, Lenin said so, right?

Gateway Pundit has the story on Federal Judge Anna Digs Taylor, who recently issued a ruling in favor of the ACLU and CAIR claiming that the NSA's warrantless wiretapping program on calls between suspect phonecalls overseas and fellow jihadis here in America was `unconstitutional'.

It turns out that she may have a serious and actionable conflict of interest in this case.

As I reported here, Judge Taylor, a political hack appointed by Jimmy Carter and an ex-member of the communist front National Lawyer's Guild was already symphathetic to the plaintiffs.

Now it turns out she was funding them as well!

Judge Taylor Diggs is the Secretary and a trustee for a foundation called CFSEM. This foundation made a "recent grant" of $45,000 over two years to the ACLU of Michigan, and the Foundation’s trustees make all funding decisions at meetings held on a quarterly basis.

Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption and judicial abuse discovered the potential conflict of interest after reviewing Judge Diggs Taylor’s financial disclosure statements, available on Judicial Watch’s Internet Site,

This is a serious breach of judicial ethics, needless to say and should prompt an investigation by the department of Justice. At the least, the judgement will be voided.Judge Taylor should be impeached and dropped from the bench like the bundle of pigeon droppings she undoubtedly is.

Judge Diggs Taylor is also the presiding judge in another interesting case where she may have a conflict of interest. The Arab Community Center for Social and Economic Services (ACCESS) is a defendant in another case now before Judge Diggs Taylor’s court [Case No. 06-10968 (Mich. E.D.)]. In 2003, the CFSEM donated $180,000 to ACCESS.

Corruptus en extremis indeed...


  1. Anonymous1:25 PM

    nothing to see here move along.....
    move along.......
    nothing to see here......

  2. Oh, I don't know...Judicial Watch can be pretty tenacious.

  3. Help me! I am an American citizen. Help me...

    Would I be less frustrated, taxed and prosperouse in a foreign country? I continuously ask myself this...
