
Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Quote O' The Day...

"We need to raise our glasses to 10 years of extraordinary service and be thankful that a man such as Kofi Annan was willing to stand up and serve the cause of justice and peace."

-President George W. Bush, at the UN luncheon toasting Kofi Annan after Bush's speech before the General Assembly.

Pass me the barf bag.


  1. Pardon my language, but that is a complete crock of shit. How embarrassing.

  2. Anonymous6:16 PM

    United Nations Headquarters, New York City, New York (AP) - In a quick succession of events today, President Bush changed political parties and caused numerous members of the so-called, Joshua's Army, to simultaneously hurl chunks and shit their pants.
    The President, elected to office by voters in the US who thought, wrongly so, that as he is a republican, would be a conservative. This issue came to a head when the President toasted Secretary General Kofi Annus, the head of the most corrupt and morally bankrupt organization created by mankind, a/k/a The United Nations. In toasting Mr. Annus, the President revealed his true colors being that of the one world gov't ilk. This also exposes his true political nature and causes many to wonder if short chunky black haired female interns wearing berets will soon follow at the White House.
    The previously mentioned and little known band of followers of one proclaiming himself ff, has formed a group calling themselves Joshua's Army. They may be few in number, but their focus is galvanizing and seems to based on the clear and reasoned blogging content of their leader. With of course, the lone exception being the rabal rouser reader who refers to himself using the monikor of a 1960's garage band known as the kingsman, Joshua's Army represents a beacon of light, shining through the sewage of journalism that exists today, a/k/a MSM.

  3. Anonymous9:06 AM

    hi nazar,


  4. Louie, phucking awesome rant. No excuse me while I buuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Anonymous2:32 AM

