
Sunday, November 05, 2006

Palestinians continue using women and children as Human Shields..and Lieberman makes the headlines...

As the Israelis continue their battle against Palestinian terrorists launching rockets into Israel, the Palestinains have hit on a new tactic, one which worked well for them inBeit Hanoun - using women and children as human shields.

The Palestinians have always done this when seeking shelter for their fighting men and leaders. What's new here is that they are now using women and children to escort terrorists on their missions and movements.

The Palestinians fired 11 qassam rockets on Sunday evening from the northern Gaza Strip at Israel.

One of the rockets landed near Kibbutz Erez, and one man was lightly hurt by shrapnel. Another two rockets landed near Kibbutz Yad Mordechai, and another one apparently landed in the sea.

Hamas earlier threatened the life of captured IDF soldier Gilad Shalit if the Israelis refused to pull back, but changed their minds when new Israeli Strategic Threats Minister Avigdor Lieberman said that Hamas PM Ismail Haniyeh and Hams Interior Minister Siad Siyam would join the 'martyrs' list' if Shalit was harmed.

This actually makes a great deal of sense as an approach, considering who Israel is dealing with. I would've dealt with the idea of exchanging terrorist murderers in Israeli custody for Shalit by releasing per hour, from height of about 2,000 feet over Gaza City until Shalit was safely home. I guarantee you, it wouldn't have taken long.

Lieberman also made headlines today by proposing that for his comments that Israel should follow the example set by the Arab world and divide Jews and Arabs.

"The source of the conflict here is not territory, it is not occupation, it is not settlers. It is a clash between two people and two religions."

He's right in terms of the source of the clash between Arabs and Jews, but wrong, I think in his approach. Nevertheless, it's fascinating to see the anti-Israel press snap at this like a shark going after blood in the water...the same press that has never had a single word to say about the ethnic cleansing of Jews by the Arabs.

It adds fuel to the claims of those who refer to Israel as an `apartheid state' and conveniently ignore the fact that the Arab nations have been `apartheid' when it comes to Jews for years.I'd hate to see Israel lower itself to the level of its Arab neighbors.

It also ignores the fact that a number of Arabs are and remain loyal Israeli citizens, with some (mostly Druse and Bedouin) serving with distinction in the IDF.

Believe it or not.

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