
Monday, January 22, 2007

Iran bars IAEA inspectors

Iran has barred 38 members of a U.N. nuclear inspection team from entering the country.

Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki said that Iran could decide who should be turned away and who could be admitted.This appears to be Iran's quid pro quo for the so-called `sanctions'.

As usual, the common people are the ones most affected by this - prices of fruit, vegetables and food staples have reportedly skyrocketed since the U.N. Security Council imposed the limited sanctions.

The EU called on "all countries" to enforce the U.N. sanctions in a statement today. British Foreign Secretary Margaret Beckett said a coordinated enforcement of the sanctions was important "to keep pressure on Iran to accept the offer of the international community to come back to the negotiating table." She told reporters that the 27-nation EU would implement the sanctions "as speedily and effectively as we can." Which, according to EU officials means early February.

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