
Tuesday, January 02, 2007

New Years' Eve, ala' mode Francais - over 400 car-becues

The dinosaur media is ignoring it, of course, but the jihadis rang in the new year in French cities with car-becues, and rioting with hundreds of cars torched overnight.

Ah, those festive `youths'...

The police apparently arrested over 250 `youths' over New Years' Eve, including two `youths' aged eight and 10 who set trash can fires in Strasbourg and three aged between 10 and 12 in Paris after they were caught carrying cans of gasoline to the festivities.

The police, however, are looking on the bright side compared to last year, when the New Year's fun included attacking buses and trains.

Paris, of course, was the focal point and no doubt much of the restraint came from the 4500 extra police on duty in Paris.

I can hear the youths now: "Nouvelle année heureuse...see you next Ramadan!"

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