
Friday, January 26, 2007

Watcher's Council results, 1/26/07

The Council has spoken! A complete list of results can be found at the site of our fearless leader, Watcher of Weasels

COUNCIL NEWS: Unfortunately, Major Andrew Olmstead has had to vacate his seat. As he dryly put it, `Things must be worst in Iraq than I thought..they're calling me up for active duty.' Major Olmstead will be embedded with the Iraqi army, helping to train them as part of the White House's new Iraq strategy, and I'm sure he carries all our best wishes for a successful mission and a safe return. His contributions to the Council will be missed.

His departure means that there is another seat up for grabs.if you're interested, please go here for updated rules and instructions on applying for the vacancy.

This week's winner is AMERICAN FUTURE - On the Possibility of an Embargo of Iranian Oil Congrats, marc!

In second place was The COLOSSUS OF RHODEY: Teacher merit pay Hube's examination of the idea of gearing teacher pay to test scores. A fine essay on an interesting idea that merits your consideration.

For non-Council, the winner was INDCJournal: "Because the language they use is killing:"

In second place was my own nominee,Michael J. Totten: The Blitzing of Haret Hreik

Hearty Kudos to all the winners!

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