
Friday, February 02, 2007

Watcher's Council Results, 2/02/07

The Council has spoken! A complete list of results can be found at the site of our fearless leader, Watcher of Weasels

This week's winner is Right Wing Nut House - 9/11: JUST A REAL BAD DAY Rick's essay outing the idiocy of one Professor David Bell who had the temerity to claim that we're all just too worked up over what happened on 9/11. Congrats, Rick!

In second place was They’ve finally admitted it - Bookworm Room, Bookworm's debut council post which used the Eilat bakery bombing to examine the simple fact that the Arabs need Israel - to distract them from their own misery. Well done, Bookworm!

For non-Council, both posts deal with the defeatist appeasement mindset. The winner was my own nominee, Greg Gutfeld: New Trend On The Rise: The Patriotic Terrorist in which he creates a new term for the likes of Michael Moore, Jane Fonda and Tim Robbins. As I said in my piece highlighting this on site last week, this appeared on the leftie Huffington Post site, and the comments in response to it are hysterically funny.

In second place was by Council alumnus Dr. Sanity: SELF DELUSION AND ENBOLDENING THE ENEMY in which Pat does her usually fine job in analyzing the appeasement mindset. Nice to see you back in the Council results column, Pat!

Hearty Kudos to all the winners!

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