
Tuesday, May 01, 2007

`Terrorism? What Terrorism?' - The EU Parliament meets with Hamas

Islamic terrorism still gets a pass in some quarters....when it's directed against Jews and Israel.

Hamas scored a major coup when PM Ismail Haniyeh met with a delegation from the EU's European parliament after which EU officials called for end to the `embargo' on aid money to the Palestinians.

Haniyeh had problems getting a visa in some of the more courageous parts of Europe, so the mountain came to Mohammed as the EU politicians dutifully trooped down to Gaza to break bread with this fascist.

This was the first meeting between a European parliament delegation and the Hamas leader since Hamas came to power last year.

Remember, the EU officially considers Hamas a terrorist group, and meetings with them are supposed to be banned.

Just listen to the sophistry and hypocrisy at work here:

Kyriacos Triantaphyllides from Cyprus: "The EU has a need to deal with this government, because we consider this an opportunity for the road to peace."

Caroline Lucas, an EU parliamentarian from England: "....we were united in the belief that we have called Palestinians to respect democracy," she said, "and so it's somewhat perverse not to recognize (the government)."

The fact that Hamas is pledged to murder or drive out every Jew in Israel doesn't feel `peaceful' to me. And while the `Palestinians' have every right to pick one set of thugs over another to lead them, decent people have a responsibility not to fund and promulgate evil...if they're indeed to continue to merit being called decent.

From a purely selfish viewpoint, not one of these EU functionaries seems to have a clue that throwing the Jews to the wolves only brings the same sort of Islamist violence down on their own country's heads and ensures their own demise.


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:44 PM

    These EU idiots are brain dead. Adding a bunch of people who say they are not terrorists in English but proudly declare so in Arabic to an existing group of admitted terrorists does not equal moderation. People seem to forget that it's not the voting part that's essential to a liberal democracy, but what the people do after they get elected.

    I wonder if these boneheads would have said the same thing after the Nazis got elected? (Who am I kidding? Of course they would).
