
Tuesday, June 05, 2007

More on the `67 War...

For those of you interested, I've linked up to a few of the better articles on the `67 War

First, here's a link to Time Magazine's original wrap up from June, 1967 entitled, `The Quickest War' (hattip, Soccer Dad),8816,843937,00.html

Let's be kind and say that Time's objectivity and journalistic standards have umm-`evolved' since then. Perhaps `devolved' is the better term.

From Ralph Peters, we have SIX-DAY WAR, 40 YEARS ON . Like me, Colonel Peters is more than a little irked at the current revisionism going on.

The Heritage Foundation's Ariel Cohen has `Lessons of the Six-Day War' in the Washington Times.

And from Carl in Jerusalem, Israel Matzav: Six Day War results still 'good for the Jews'

Enjoy yourselves...

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