
Wednesday, June 20, 2007

New Qassam barrage hits Sderot from Gaza

An Israeli paramedic tried to calm down a woman suffering from shock in Sderot

Sderot got hit again from Gaza, leaving three lightly wounded and several in shock after a new Qassam attack. Two homes and a synagogue in Sderot sustained damage.

Two more rockets fell near Kibbutz Nir Am. No casualties, but the impact took out a high-tension wire, cutting off the power in the area.

Israel responded today by taking out two launch sites in Gaza, killing an estimated 7 jihadis.

This all happened, by the way after Hamas spokesmouth and former Palestinian Authority foreign minister Mahmoud Zahar said that the Qassam rocket barrages would be curtailed if Israel didn't attack Gaza, in an interview yesterday with the London-based pan-Arabic daily Aharq alawsat.

At least these jihadi scum are consistent when it comes to keeping their word to kuffars
( non-believers).

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:47 PM

    the citizens of Sderot can rest assured the pm olmert is with them.
