
Sunday, July 08, 2007

Alan Johnston's ransom....$5 million and a million Kalashnikov rifle bullets

As I suspected,there was a ransom for kidnapped BBC reporter Alan Johnston's release. According to Memri, a normally reliable source Jaysh Al-Islam ( AKA The Army of Islam,the Palestinian faction that snatched Johnston from Gaza) received $5 million plus a million rounds of Kalinikov ammo as a ransom, plus a guarantee from Ismail Haniyeh of immunity. Also, Hamas and Jaysh Al-Islam made an agreement not to reveal which operations they had carried out jointly.

It's not clear whether the ransom came from Britain and was merely relayed through Hamas or whether Hamas paid it directly....but I would guess that the cash came from Britain and the ammo and immunity for the Dugmush clan who run the Jaysh al-Islam from Hamas.

After all, Hamas now owns a whole store of American M-16's and ammo they `inherited ' from Fatah in almost mint condition - only dropped once - so it makes sense that they'd be putting the Kalishnikov rounds to use elsewhere.

The quid pro quo from the British was pretty quick in coming. Over 20 MPs from all parties called on British Prime Minister Gordon Brown to establish `a new relationship' with Hamas.

Look for Tony Blair as the Quartet's Mideast envoy to take the next step in assuming the position for these Islamist terrorists.

That number included Scotland's First Minister, Alex Salmond, who has enormous influence with Brown's party because of Scotland's clout in keeping Labour in power.

Amazing, when you look at what just happened in Glasgow...

Amhlair burraidh..!

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