
Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Columnist and talk show host targeted by CAIR

Columnist and talk show host Cal Thomas is the latest target of Federal unindicted co-conspriritors CAIR for remarks reportedly made on his radio show.

In a commentary on news-talk WTOP radio Monday morning, Thomas was talking about the London car-bomb attacks by Islamic terrorists in the UK.

"How much longer should we allow people from certain lands, with certain beliefs to come to Britain and America and build their mosques, teach hate, and plot to kill us?" Thomas asked.

He also compared Muslims to a "slow-spreading cancer" that must be stopped.

In a shotgun message to its list ( all 1700 members plus a whole slew overseas who never could have heard the broadcast, if it fit the usual CAIR pattern) the Council on American-Islamic Relations described Thomas''s remarks as "incitement" and included the name and work number of WTOP's VP of programming.

Now, as far as I'm concerned, Cal Thomas' question is a rational one, given the events of oh,let's say the last 1500 years or so. But it wasn't the right question, or addressed to the right party.

The real question is how long our politicians are going to allow countries like Saudi Arabia and the UAE to finance jihad mosques and madrassahs - and yes, groups like CAIR - in our countries to radicalize the local Muslim population with their wahabi, salafist doctrine. And not only allow it, but actually legitimize it.

That's the cancer...not Muslims.

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