
Sunday, July 22, 2007

Hezbollah: `We Can Strike All of Israel'

In a speech aired on JihadTV (al-Jazeerah) , Hezbollah's leader, Sheik Nasrallah stated that Hezbollah has the ability to launch rockets and hit every part of Israel.

"Even in the months of July and August 2006 there was not one place in occupied Palestine that we could not reach, every point and every corner," Nasrallah was quoted as saying. "I stress that we can do this today as well."

Meanwhile, according to the IDF, Hezbollah is now moving most of its rocket arsenal in south Lebanon among civilians in heavily populated villages, with the idea of avoiding detection by Israel and UN troops, and curtailing any retaliation for attacks. Essentially, they're using civilians as human shields.

Last summer, many of Hezbollah's rocket launchers were located in unpopulated rural areas, where they were surrounded by tunnels and fortifications, the officials said. But the army's new intelligence indicates that those positions have now largely been abandoned in favor of populated villages.

The UNIFIL force, of course was supposed to prevent this and according to resolution 1709 were required to ensure that Hezbollah was not rearming near the Lebanon-Israel border. Obviously, UNIFIL has been less than effective...some would even say they've deliberately looked the other way.

Yasmina Bouziane, a UNIFIL spokeswoman in Lebanon, refused to comment on the IDF's charges.

Hezbollah is preparing for war.

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