
Monday, July 30, 2007

Islamic Wisdom: Is it OK to Rape Women and Kill Children?

Here we have an Islamic answer to that question, courtesy of the sages at the well -known and popular Islamic forum,

Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jama’ah

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Impermissible to kill women and children in All circumstances?

The Verdict of Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Salih Al-Uthaymin:

The Shaykh, may Allah be merciful towards him, said in a tape recording regarding this topic:

“And the second (matter) is the forbiddance of killing women and children in times of war. But if it is said: ‘ If they (the kuffar) do this to us- meaning that they kill our children and women- Then do we then kill them?

The apparent [Thahir] is that it is (permissible) for us to kill their women and children- even if it means that we lose profit/benefit from it [since keeping them alive is a profit/benefit because they become the property of the Muslims]; (and killing them in this situation is permissible) due to it threatening the hearts of the enemies and a humiliation for them.

And due to the generality of the Statement of Allah:

“Then whoever transgresses the prohibition against you, you transgress likewise against him” Al-Baqarah : 194

(or, in the words of the OG Mohammed when asked this question "Their women and children are of them")

And to (purposely) destroy property (which could later belong) for the Muslims (by killing them in this case) is nothing strange. And due to this, the baggage, the baggage of the one who steals from the Ghanimah (AKA spoils, booty - ff) is burned, even though in that, there is the loss of some property of one the fighters.

Then if someone says:

‘If they rape our women then do we rape their women?’

No, this, no, no we do not do it. Why? Because this is prohibited as a (whole) category [i.e. it is forbidden within itself], and it is not possible for us to do it.

Meaning, it is not forbidden out of respect for the rights of others [i.e. not because we are respecting their rights] - rather, because it is forbidden as a category [ i.e. the action of ‘intercourse’]. So it is not permissible for us to rape their women.

But if the dividing (of the Ghanimah) takes place, and the woman from them ends up as a slave woman, then she becomes property of the right hand. The person can have intercourse with her as a right hand possession, which is permissible and there is nothing wrong with this”

( In other words, if the women are captives and slaves, they are part of what `thy right hand posseses' - so it's not rape, and therefore permissible..which explains Darfur and Beslan)

Later on, the Shaykh was asked about the fact that the women being killed are not the ones who killed our women, so is this justice? So he answered:

“Then whoever transgresses the prohibition against you, you transgress likewise against him” Al-Baqarah : 194

What is justice? Not at all. They kill our women, we kill their women. This is the justice. It’s not justice to say ‘if they kill our women we won’t kill your women.’ Because this, I notice from this that it has many enormous affects on them”

End of quote from Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Salih Al-Uthaymin, may Allah have mercy upon him.

(Refer to the side “B” from the third cassette of Kita b al-Jihad from Sharh Bulugh al-Mara m. Or download it from the Shaykh’s own website:

I cite the above with the usual disclaimer...there are many peace-loving, decent Muslims who would never use this as justification to kill children and rape women.

But the fact is that Islam does contain religious justification for these acts -both in the Qu'ran and in the hadiths.

And what would be morally indefensible to other faiths does in fact have justification in Islam, and that justification is a mainstream and fundamentalist interpretation of the faith.

You may draw your own conclusions from this.

hattip to Charles at lgf


  1. Anonymous11:11 PM

    Islam is never meant to kill kids and women enemy,but take care of them and set them free.
    It says:
    But if the dividing (of the Ghanimah) takes place, and the woman from them ends up as a slave woman, then she becomes property of the right hand. The person can have intercourse with her as a right hand possession, which is permissible and there is nothing wrong with this”

    in this case the woman is not property but she is a prisoner of war,a muslim has to take her to his family and let his wife take care of her,after the war if she wants to stay she has to marry a muslim,if she wants to go to her family her family has to pay,if they don't have the money,the muslim has to let her free and take her to her family.if he rape her or make sex with her he committed adultery and sin by that,he will be punished by God.

    I'm not Mofti but that's what it is through the teaching of Islam and the Quran.

    What Mofti of arabia Saudia are saying sometimes they say stuff has no sense and Islam is far away from what they are saying.

    you want to debate with me about that here is my e-mail:

  2. Anonymous7:36 PM

    Thanks muslim950.
    These Saudia Moftis or whatever they are from are the ones who will go to hell first. They are far far far away from Islam and its teaching.
    Thank God they are still real muslims who understand Islam better than these Monafikin.
