
Wednesday, July 18, 2007

It Just Won't Compute....

Yaakov at the Dry Bones Blog, of course!


  1. Anonymous2:09 PM

    What seems to be needed is for the US to conquer Saudi Arabia and incorporate it into a new American empire. We need Saudi oil and we need for Saudi Arabia to stop trying to destroy us. It would be most helpful if our Western European allies would help us out on this one, however, the Western Europeans are ashamed of their empiral days and the US is ashamed over the empire it does not have and has never had. If the West wants to survive, it had better get over its embarassement over imperialism. The US needs to conquer Saudi Arabia and liquidate its government. From its base in Saudi Arabia, the US can slowly begin to transform the Middle East into something that does not threaten its survival.

    Another option would be to work with "moderates" in Saudi Arabia, if there really are any. I suspect there are not. In any event, they have their own problems with Al Qaeda. Perhaps there may be some way we can work with them. As stated previously, this would be a long shot. I think conquering Saudi Arabia is a better option, however, to do it we will probably need a draft. In order to get a draft, Americans will have to realize that the survival of their country is at stake. I hope and pray we recognize it before it is to late.

    It would be extremely helpful if the enviro whackos would allow us to drill for more of our own oil and to build more refineries within the US. As we get more of our own oil available, this would give us some leverage when negotiating with the Saudis and other oil producing countries. Right now we have very little leverage.

  2. Hi B,
    Ummm..I don't think I want to be acquiring any undesirable desert real estate just now.

    I think a little word to the Saudis about the bad things that could happen to Mecca, Riyadh and to their oil wells, as well as the billions of dollars they have here would be much more effective.

    But for that, we need a president whose lips aren't superglued to the Saudis' posterior.

  3. Anonymous3:18 PM

    But for that, we need a president whose lips aren't superglued to the Saudis' posterior.

    holding hands is bad enough,
    that was a visual i can do without.

  4. Anonymous8:23 PM

    Freedom Fighter

    Thanks for the reply to my post. The desert real estate in question has large amounts of black gold underneath it. This is something we desparately need. By making it US territory we get it out of the hands of the Jihadists.

    Sure we can do bad things to their oil wells, to Mecca, to Riyadh, and a number of other places. If we did this, the Chinese who have a number of investments in Saudi Arabia might not like this. Frankly, the US military is in no condition right now to handle the Chinese military in a conventional fight. It would be even more trouble for the US if Russia were to get involved. To be blunt, as it stands now, the US military is in no condtion to fight and win a war against Russia or China.

    In order to do this, we would need to substantially build up our military capabilities. It is not to late to do this but time does grow short. For now the best we can do is to secure our borders, place a moratorium on immigration Muslim lands, and develop more of our own natural resources. These actions would face stiff resistance from the news media, however, we could probably get the American people behind them.

    Like Louielouie I can do without the visual. As long as we are a major oil importer and Saudi Arabia is a major oil exporter, we will have very limited options when dealing with Saudi Arabia. As it stands right now, we need Saudi oil imports more than they need to sell it to us. By developing more of our own oil and gas reserves and building more refineries we can give ourselves some leverage when dealing with Saudi Arabia and other OPEC countries.
