
Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Musharraf says new US aid bill could affect ties

Pakistan's beleaguered president Pervez Musharaf is a tad upset at the proposed new US aid bill, and says it could could hurt ties between the US and Pakistan.

It actually conditions aid for Pakistan to progress in tackling Al Qaeda and the Taliban..I mean, the nerve of those Americans!

Musharraf used the occasion of meeting with the new US ambassador to Pakistan, Anne Patterson, who called on him to present her credentials to blast the new aid bill and once again reiterate that Pakistan would not tolerate US forces going into Pakistan to oust the Taliban or al Qaeda in the tribal areas, that Pakistani Army is fully capable of dealing with these people, and that neither Al Qaeda nor any other group would be allowed to make them a safe haven.

Which sounds just a little bit different than the agreement Musharraf signed with them to give them a free hand in Waziristan..

Now, personally, my first choice for an operation would be to see us snatch the renegade Pakistani scientist Dr. AQ Kahn and find out exactly what he gave to Iran and most likely others. To this day, Musharraf won't allow him to be interrogated.

Can it be that we're finally realizing that some of these people are not our friends?

In any event, I have a feeling that General Musharraf may be retiring fairly soon to enjoy the fruits of his labors in Paris or Rio.

And what happens with a nuclear armed al Qaeda sanctuary once he's gone? No doubt we'll find out.


  1. Anonymous10:44 AM

    nit-picking a side note in ff essay.
    imo, paris or rio are out of the quesiton. too many jihadis running around loose.
    watch for him to saddle pakistan with a huge weapons package from the chinese and retire to beijing.
    nothing continental there but you can ...... live.

  2. Anonymous7:26 PM

    I think Pervez Musharraf is already in problem with Pakistani extremists, so many running around loose. Under this circumstances if United States will send their forces on Pakistan soil, the position will be bad to worst, because the entire contry will go against Pevez Musharraf. No Muslim country around the world will prefer any foreign troops on their soil.I believe Musharraf is a capable leader to handle the situation.!!!
