
Monday, July 02, 2007

Scooter Libby's appeal denied..

Which means he's headed for jail as soon as the Bureau of Prisons decides where he'll serve his 30 month sentence and his date of surrender.

A three judge panel from the Washington DC curcuit Court of Appeals denied Dick Cheney's former Chief of Staff Lewis “Scooter” Libby’s request to remain free on appeal after his March conviction for perjury, obstruction of justice and making false statements to federal agents during the bogus Valerie Plame case.

The sentence itself was interesting, particularly since prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald never proved that leaking Plame's identity was a crime....which leads me to wonder how one can be guilty of `obstructing justice' and perjury for something that was never determined to be a criminal offense, and that Libby was never charged with anyway, since the initial leak of Plame's identity came from Karl Rove and Richard Armitage!

The only way he'll be able to stay out while his appeal is ruled on is if his lawyers appeal Monday’s ruling to the U.S. Supreme Court, which rarely gets involved in these kinds of cases.

This is an astounding miscarriage of justice.

It's ridiculous that Scooter Libby got jail time..while Sandy Berger essentially walked free for stealing and destroying classified documents.

This, I think would be the time for President Bush to demonstrate some of that famous loyalty he's credited with and commute Libby's sentence.

Or better yet, an outright pardon.

Will he do it? I personally don't think so, but I'm prepared to be pleasantly surprised.

UPDATE: Color me pleasantly surprised. Bush just commuted Libby's sentence.


  1. Check the wires bro, his sentence got commuted! Bush dropped a Fcuk U bomb on J. Wilson and his desk jockey wife V. Plame. Heehaw!

  2. Oh, you updated! U r on it.

    CNN had "reactions" to this "Miscarriage of Justice."
    Odd that they only chose Bush's sworn enemies to comment...Check it out for vomit value...
