
Friday, July 27, 2007

Short Takes, 7/27/07

Short takes is Freedom Fighter's way of cramming a lot into a small space..kind of like the young gentleman above. Here's a brief rundown of some of today's items of interest:

They apparently want him charged with perjury for testimony he gave to congress relating to the Bush Administration's firing of those nine federal prosecutors and the terrorist surveillance program that involved warrantless wiretapping. You know,the one the New York Times outed so it was of no further use...

It's obvious to me that the Democrat controlled Congress is `working up the ladder' towards charges against Bush and Cheney.

Interesting match-up...Lenin-in-a-pantsuit versus Captain Lite-weight....

  • Blast near Pakistan's Red mosque kills 13 Turmoil in Pakistan continues as a hundreds of Madrassah students clashed with police and a restaurant near the Red Mosque was targeted by a suicide bomber. The casualties were mainly police eating lunch.

Now that Ousted Supreme Court justice Choudry has been reinstated by the courts, Musharraf is facing an increasing revolt in Pakistan as his popularity drops.

Considering whom Brown has appointed to his government and the way they've been talking recently, take it from me that, rhetoric aside, the relationship is likely to be a more distant one.


  • The Russians have just completed one of the largest arms deals in their history with Iran, selling them 250 long-distance Sukhoi fighter-bombers and 20 fuel tankers. The deal, running into tens of billions of dollars went through the Russian government owned Rosoboronexport and calls for 250 Su-30MKM warplanes and 20 IL-78 MKI fuel tankers, with Iran stipulating delivery before the end of 2007.

This will provide Iran with a long range air attack capability, something they didn't have before. With the fuel tankers, the Iranian planes can strike anywhere in the Middle East, including Israel and Lebanon.The new planes will make Iran's air force one of the major ones in the region.

The Russians are reportedly already training Iranian pilots and ground crew on the new aircraft.

The Russians have also pledged that Iran's Bushehr reactor will be online as scheduled, by the end of 2007.

  • Peggy Noonan has an interesting bit this week, claiming that We live in an age of great wealth--and lousy manners.

  • Inevitable Divergence - David Warren's thumbnail take on why Turkey became a Muslim democracy...and why Turkey is now gradually ending what Warren calls `it's experiment with secular democracy.' Recommended.

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