
Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Ward Churchill Fired

The University of Colorado finally fired professor Ward Churchill.

This tool, buried in U of C's `ethnic studies' department first attracted attention
when he said 9/11 was fully justified ` a case of chickens coming home to roost' and called the victims of 9/11 `little Eichmans'.

And this is just a sample of the sort of bilge Churchill was putting out in the classroom at tax payer expense, at a public univerity to a captive audience of students.

Of course, that's not why he was fired. A faculty committee investigated and found
that Churchill had committed plagiarism and fraudulent research in his other writings.

"I'm not sure we had much of a choice," said University of Colorado President Hank Brown, whose recommendation to dismiss Churchill was upheld by the regents. "The integrity of our research is an integral part of our university."

Umm, no mention about the integrity of what's put out in the classroom, Dr. Brown?

Churchill and his attorneys are claiming that the firing is `politically motivated' and will of course appeal.


  1. Anonymous11:39 AM

    It's about time. Too bad they didn't do it when he made the Eichmann comment.

  2. Anonymous10:21 PM

    The Duke lacrosse team fiasco shows that liberal educators have created a phony cultural paradigm that distorts reality. And, nobody exploits phony paradigms, obfuscates truth, or games the system like the Clintons.

    I Got Your University; Right Here

    Set the Wayback Machine for 23 August 1995: a hot day in the nation’s capitol. But 3000 miles due west on California’s Central Coast, a constellation of events was unfolding that would have a profound effect on Western civilization; plunge it into decades of war. Yet, this cataclysmic upheaval was only part of the plan. Bill Clinton picked up the telephone. It was his Chief of Staff Leon Panetta, calling from a payphone in Monterey. Bill held the receiver at arms length and gazed at the tasteful floral arrangement that adorned the Oval Office. Leon’s disembodied voice filled the room. What now, asked Hillary. It’s that damn college, mouthed Bill. There was, no getting out. Hillary nodded, just tell Leon he’ll get whatever he needs:
