
Thursday, August 09, 2007

Charges dismissed on two Haditha Marines..

All charges have been dismissed against Marine Lance Cpl. Justin L. Sharratt and Captain Randy Stone as the government's case against the marines accused of murder of Iraqis in Haditha continues to fall apart.

The Haditha `massacre' scenario was bogus from the start, and only went this far as a gimme to Iraqi PM al-Maliki who refused to accept the results of the marine investigation and as a result of one duplicitous ex-marine, Congressman John Murtha raising a stink for partisan political reasons and calling these brave men `murderers' on national TV before they were even tried.

What these guys were put through by our own military makes the lives of the guests at Club Gitmo look even more pampered.

Congrats to our two warriors...hopefully vindication for the rest of your comrades isn't far behind.

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