
Thursday, August 30, 2007

Non-existent Iraqi WMD's New York City

Some of those non-existent Iraqi weapons of mass destruction were found in a sealed container stored at the UN today..namely vials of phosgene nerve gas.

I can just imagine what Saddam was able to ship to Syria, thanks to our 19 month run-up to the invasion...


  1. Anonymous1:55 PM

    "I just can't imagine what Saddam was able to ship to Syria, thanks to or 19 month run-up to the invasion..." You're quite right. This is where most of Saddam's WMD are. They will turn up some day. The only question is when. I hope and pray it is not when they are being used. Also, Saddam had the UN as a partner in his operations. As such, UN investigations were worse than useless.

  2. heck, give me 19 months to sell, hide or otherwise dispose of pretty much anything while my enemies in the West are debating whether to attack me....

    Actually, you may not know this poster, but Saddam had rented out a large and secure villa for him and his family in the Syrian resort at Latakia...I personally think that's where he intended t operate from, but things simply didn't work out, or Assad felt he was too `hot' to keep in Syria...

    Thanks for dropping by,

