
Friday, December 07, 2007

Watcher's Council Results, 12/07/06

The Council has spoken! A complete list of results can be found at the site of our fearless leader, the infamous Watcher of Weasels

This weeks' winner is:
Wolf Howling: Of Islamist Foxes and British Chickens In his debut piece as a Council member, Wolf Howling's excellent piece on British dhimmitude in the face of Islamism won the honors.

In second place we had:

Cheat Seeking Missiles: FBI Rebuts CAIR Scare Tactics Laer's fine piece using actual FBI stats on anti-Muslim incidents as opposed to CAIR's bloated figures.

For non-Council, the winner was:

Pierre Tristam's Middle East Issues Blog: Teddy Muhammad A neat piece with valuable background on the now infamous incident in the Sudan.

In second place for non-Council was:

Right Wing News: The 2nd Annual Worst Quotes From The Daily Kos (2007 Edition) Which is about what you would think,only worse. And, I should point out that these quotes are from the writers only , not the commenters....that would have been like shooting fish in a barrel.

Hearty Kudos to all the winners!

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