
Thursday, January 24, 2008

Arab Christian Churches Condemn Israel: Dhimmi-tude In action surprise here....not if these Arab Christians want to stay in one piece, avoid having their churches destroyed and keep their dhimmi status.

Various Arab Christian leaders released a statement today condemning Israel’s blockade of Gaza as an “immoral act”.

The Rev. Munib A. Younan, bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land, called the blockade of Gaza “illegal collective punishment, an immoral act in violation of the basic human and natural laws as well as International Law,” in a statement issued Jan. 22 – a day before Hamas militants destroyed the Gaza-Egypt barrier.

Younan and other Holy Land church leaders added that the blockade “cannot be tolerated anymore” and “the siege over Gaza should end now.”

“To deny children and civilians their necessary basic commodities are not the ways to security but rather throw the region into further and more dangerous deterioration. This siege will not guarantee the end to rocket firing, but will only increase the bitterness and suffering and invite more revenge, while the innocents keep dying,” the statement admonished.

The blockade “imprisoned” 1.5 million people “without proper food or medicine,” the church leaders voiced with concern. The punishment left large parts of the Palestinian territory, which also borders Egypt and the Mediterranean Sea, without access to electricity.

“Put the differences aside and deal with this crisis for the good of all human beings, demonstrating that you care for your brothers and sisters who have suffered enough already,” they said.

"We pray for the day when the people of Gaza will be free from occupation, from political differences, from violence and from despair. We pray for the Israelis and Palestinians to respect human life and God's love for every human life, and to take all possible measures to end this suffering."

The church figures who signed this disgusting bit of hypocrisy included (Roman Catholic) Latin Patriarch Michel Sabbah, Greek Orthodox Patriarch Theophilos III, Patriarch Torkom II Manooghian of the Armenian Apostolic Orthodox Church, Archbishop Anba Abraham of the Coptic Orthodox Patriarchate and Anglican Bishop Suheil Dawani.

This is such a load, it's difficult to know where to begin on this one. Not one of these supposed humanitarians had a single word to say to condemn the humanitarian crisis ongoing in southern Israel,where civilians are under daily bombardment from Gaza, or the collective punishment meted out to Jews in Israel by Arab terrorists.

But then,these particular church leaders never have - not once.

Nor is a blockade of enemy territory in time of war against international law...nor is it a blockade, since the Israelis still provide 75% of Gaza's electricity.

As for `occupation' that ended for all intents and purposes when Israel retreated from Gaza and left these people, for better or worse, to make their own destiny.Is it Israel's fault that they chose the genocidal Hamas to rule them, or that instead of trying to build an economy, make a better life for themselves and seek peace with their neighbor they've chosen to build an army and make war on Israel?

They say the `blockade'cannot be tolerated any more. What would their reaction be if the Israelis said that attacks from Gaza on their people can't be tolerated any more?

I think we know the answer.

Speaking of condemnation,I condemn these church leaders for hypocrisy, for deliberately mouthing lies and for supporting the murderous attacks on Jews in Israel.

They are unworthy of being called Christians, and their respective denominations ought to discipline them and distance themselves from this outrageous nonsense out of common decency,not to mention Christian principles.

If I remember my scriptures, G-d had a few things to say about those that curse the Jews of Israel.

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