
Sunday, January 27, 2008

Geert Wilders - Leading the Charge Aganst Radical Islam In Europe

Part 1

Part 2

Geert Wilders is the most popular individual politician in the Netherlands,with hair to rival John Edwards.

Unlike John Edwards, he's also a serious person, an opponent of the Dutch welfare state and an unapologetic foe of radical Islam. Needless to say, this has made him a marked man in his own country, and he's protected by armed security 24-7. Wilder's latest battle concerns a short film he's making on Islam and the Qu'ran.

The announcement of the film itself (which isn't even finished yet) has sparked a whole round of death threats and seething rage from the proponents of the Religion of Peace. Here, in a Fox News interview, Wilders discusses the film and his views on the problems with radical Islam in Europe and on the Qu'ran, which he refers to as a `fascist book'....enjoy.

Hat tip to GW at Wolf Howling

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