
Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Romney Wins Michigan....

The votes are in from the Michigan primary, and Mitt Romney is the winner.
He ended up with 39% of the vote, with John McCain 2nd with 30% and Mike Huckabee in third with 16%.

Senator Clinton won for the Democrats, since she was the only Democrat on the ballot. Both Obama and John Edwards pulled their names off after Michigan was penalized by the DNC for moving their primary up to January.However, she only got got 55% of the vote, compared to 40% for "uncommitted," probably fallout from Michigan's large black vote over the flap over Martin Luther King.

Weekend Monkey was another winner, once again picking the winning candidates in order and maintaining the 100% accuracy rate he's had since the 2006 midterms.

The only thing he got wrong was Romney's margin of victory, which he called as a `push' with a two to three point margin between Romney and McCain. Considering that exit polls revealed that most of the voters only made their decisions in the last day or so, I still think the little guy's track record is pretty awesome...he even got New Hampshire right, for both parties!

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